
Base Inventory Struct

Field Name Description
id Inventory id, int
external_id Inventory id in external system, has to be unique (str)
price Item price, float
barcodes List of barcodes (list of strings) - each barcode has to be unique per retail store, otherwise backend will report validation error
proof Alcohol proof, float
abv Alcohol by value, float
unit_size Unit size in free form text ("150ML" or "1.5 L"), str
in_stock Amount of items in stock (regular price), int
updated Last inventory update date and time
pos_item_name Product name in POS system
category Product category ("wine" or "drink") - the optional parameter, which has to be passed during POS sync with auto task option enabled. "wine" will put new products into wines processing queue, "drink" - to drinks queue

Param name: inventory_fields

FTS Struct

Field Name Description
rank Matched item search rank, int
drink Related drink, struct
wine Related wine, struct

Wine Inventory Struct

Same as Base Inventory Struct, +additional params:

Field Name Description
wine Related wine, struct
status Matching status, str - it can be match_pending, in_progress or match_complete

Param name: inventory_fields

Drink Inventory Struct

Same as Base Inventory Struct, +additional params:

Field Name Description
drink Related drink, struct
status Matching status, str - it can be match_pending, in_progress or match_complete

Param name: inventory_fields

Wine Struct

Field Name Description
id Tipsi wine id, int
name Wine name, str
vintage Wine vintage, str. Year (.e.g. "2003", "2005") or "NV" for non vintage
winery struct
vineyard struct
designation struct
varietals list of structs
country struct
region struct
sub_regions list of structs
type regular, fortified, sparkling, dessert or offdry
color Color density, int. Values from 1 to 3 - White, 4 - Rose, from 5 to 7 - Red
label_url Url of wine label image, str
wine_url URL to wine producer or re-seller
pro_rating list of structs
style_scoring empty list (deprecated)
food_scoring empty list (deprecated)
winemakers_note A note from wine producer

Param name: wine_fields

Winery Struct

Field Name Description
id Winery id, int
name Winery name, str

Param name: winery_fields

Vineyard Struct

Field Name Description
id Vineyard id, int
name name, str
description description, str

Param name: vineyard_fields

Designation Struct

Field Name Description
id Designation id, int
name Designation name, str
description Designation description, str

Param name: designation_fields

Varietal Struct

Field Name Description
id Varietal id, int
name Varietal name, str
description Varietal description, str

Param name: varietal_fields

Country Struct

Field Name Description
id Country id, int
name Country name, str
description Country description, str
image_url Map image url

Param name: country_fields

Region Struct

Field Name Description
id Region id, int
name Region name, str
description Region description, str
image_url Map image url

Param name: region_fields

Sub Region Struct

Field Name Description
id Sub Region id, int
name Sub Region name, str
description Sub Region description, str
image_url Map image url

Param name: sub_region_fields

Pro Rating Struct

Field Name Description
name Rating long name, str
shortcut shortcut, str
rating Rating value, int: 0..100
rating_description Description of the given rating value

Param name: pro_rating_fields

Drink Struct

Field Name Description
id Drink id, int
name Drink name, str
description Drink description, str
drink_type beer, spirits, cocktail or other
producer Drink producer, struct
country Country, struct
label_url Drink label url

Param name: drink_fields

Drink Producer Struct

Field Name Description
id Drink producer id, int
name Drink name, str
description Producer description, str

Param name: producer_fields

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