List or create operations

List all store products

GET request to /api/rest/v001/store/STORE_ID/wine or /api/rest/v001/store/STORE_ID/drink endpoint will list all the available products. The endpoints are paginated - they will return a thousand results per page. You can modify page size by passing page_size parameter, but values larger than a thousand will be ignored. By the way, all GET APIs are lazy - by default they will only return object id. Fields should be requested explicitly as GET parameter - a comma separated list of fields for each struct, see the full structs description here.

The example below requests wine inventory and nested fields (ids, barcodes, vintage and etc):

url = ''
params = {'inventory_fields': 'id,barcodes,external_id,wine',
    'wine_fields': 'id,name,vintage,country',
    'country_fields': 'id,name'}
result = session.get(url, params=params).json()

const string winePath = "api/rest/v001/store/STORE_ID/wine?inventory_fields=id,barcodes,external_id,wine&wine_fields=id,name,vintage,country&country_fields=id,name";
HttpResponseMessage wineResponce = httpClient.GetAsync(winePath).Result;

    string wineData = wineResponce.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
catch (Exception)
    Console.WriteLine("Requst failed");

See API reference for more details.

Add product to store

POST request to /api/rest/v001/store/STORE_ID/wine or /api/rest/v001/store/STORE_ID/drink endpoint will create a new inventory item, wine_id or drink_id parameter is required. Usually you get wine_id or drink_id through full text search across Tipsi database. Other required parameters - barcodes (can be an empty list, though) and external id (item ID in your database). Params should be formatted as JSON dictionary.

The sample will create a new inventory item with assigned drink id 6755 and empty barcodes list. Barcodes can be empty, but the parameter is required.

url = ''
params = {'drink_id': 6755, "in_stock": 17, "barcodes": [], "external_id": 10007}
result =, params=params).json()
const string CreateInventoryItemPath = @"api/rest/v001/store/STORE_ID/wine";

// Make sure the wine_id (drink_id) exists.
HttpResponseMessage createInventoryItemResponce = httpClient.PostAsync(CreateInventoryItemPath, new StringContent("{\"wine_id\": 653842, \"in_stock\": 17, \"barcodes\": [], \"external_id\": 10007}", Encoding.UTF8, ApplicationJSONMediaType)).Result;

    string createdInventoryItemData = createInventoryItemResponce.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
catch (Exception ex)

See API reference for more details.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""