A token object
returned from submitting payment details to the Stripe API via:
Key | Type | Description |
tokenId | String | The value of the token. You can store this value on your server and use it to make charges and customers |
created | Number | When the token was created |
livemode | Number | Whether or not this token was created in livemode. Will be 1 if you used your Live Publishable Key, and 0 if you used your Test Publishable Key |
card | Object | The credit card details object that were used to create the token |
bankAccount | Object | The external (bank) account details object that were used to create the token |
extra (iOS) | Object | An additional information that method can provide |
Key | Type | Description |
cardId | String | The Stripe ID for the card |
brand | String | The card’s brand. Can be one of: JCB ‖ American Express ‖ Visa ‖ Discover ‖ Diners Club ‖ MasterCard ‖ Unknown |
funding (iOS) | String | The card’s funding. Can be one of: debit ‖ credit ‖ prepaid ‖ unknown |
last4 | String | The last 4 digits of the card |
dynamicLast4 (iOS) | String | For cards made with Apple Pay, this refers to the last 4 digits of the Device Account Number for the tokenized card |
isApplePayCard (iOS) | Bool | Whether or not the card originated from Apple Pay |
expMonth | Number | The card’s expiration month. 1-indexed (i.e. 1 == January) |
expYear | Number | The card’s expiration year |
country | String | Two-letter ISO code representing the issuing country of the card |
currency | String | This is only applicable when tokenizing debit cards to issue payouts to managed accounts. The card can then be used as a transfer destination for funds in this currency |
name | String | The cardholder’s name |
addressLine1 | String | The cardholder’s first address line |
addressLine2 | String | The cardholder’s second address line |
addressCity | String | The cardholder’s city |
addressState | String | The cardholder’s state |
addressCountry | String | The cardholder’s country |
addressZip | String | The cardholder’s zip code |
Key | Type | Description |
routingNumber | String | The routing number of this account |
accountNumber | String | The account number for this BankAccount. |
countryCode | String | The two-letter country code that this account was created in |
currency | String | The currency of this account |
accountHolderName | String | The account holder's name |
accountHolderType | String | the bank account type. Can be one of: company ‖ individual |
fingerprint | String | The account fingerprint |
bankName | String | The name of bank |
last4 | String | The last four digits of the account number |